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Introducing Vee, Visier’s New Generative AI...

Introducing Vee, Visier’s New Generative AI Digital Assistant

Introducing “Vee,” Visier’s new generative AI digital assistant that delivers fast, intuitive, accessible workforce insights to people leaders.

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our new Generative AI digital assistant, which we’re calling “Vee"

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? That’s debatable.

But if a trove of people insights isn’t used, does it make an impact? Of course not.

Visier’s goal has always been to help organizations understand the impact their people have on the business and the impact the business has on its people. That means guiding people leaders to make better decisions—on behalf of the business, and on behalf of the employee.

Today, we’re excited to announce a groundbreaking advancement in delivering valuable insights to a broader range of people leaders with our new Generative AI digital assistant, which we’re calling “Vee.” 

Visier’s Vee adds a powerful yet simple conversational interface to Visier People®, enabling more people leaders to easily get immediate, accurate answers to questions about their workforce.

Introducing Vee by Visier video

Why generative AI for people analytics?

The potential of generative AI is massive, and its impact on people analytics will be monumental. Why? In our view, there are three common obstacles that stand in the way of a breakthrough people analytics program:

  1. Gaining broad end-user adoption 

  2. Getting answers to questions quickly 

  3. Interpreting data correctly 

Vee will radically improve end-user adoption, deliver insights instantaneously, and elevate your organization’s data literacy—all in one fell swoop.

Let’s see how.

What does Visier’s Vee do?

Vee adds a simple conversational interface to people analytics, supplementing charts and graphs with narrative answers to complex people questions. This new capability puts the right insights into the hands of any people leader who has questions about their workforce.

Vee translates natural language questions into Visier’s queries, returning accurate and perfectly-crafted narrative answers without relying on proprietary customer data. Vee makes the power of people analytics accessible to anyone—even those who are less comfortable interpreting charts and graphs.

While some workforce data is available to many people leaders today, they may be challenged in knowing where to find that data, and how to ask questions that provide actionable insights. With Vee, their digital assistant can learn and react to these questions to pinpoint the right information from the completely secure Visier platform—and explain these insights in a way people leaders can confidently utilize.

Vee makes it easier than ever before for people leaders to Ask, Explore, and Take action


Ask Vee any question about your workforce and Vee will provide the answers in simple narrative form. 


Drill deeper into the data with help from Vee, making it easy to explore more specific datasets. Vee suggests additional context and follow-up questions that might be helpful.

And easily compare data across any dimension you choose.

Or see how you stack up versus benchmarks.

Take action

Vee delivers insights to managers across the business so they can take small, everyday actions that add up to big change.

People insights integrated with your workflow tools

In addition to using Vee inside Visier People, a new integration with Slack and Microsoft Teams allows organizations to ask Vee questions in the flow of their daily work. Managers throughout the organization can get valuable insights and data related to their teams and departments—without having to go into Visier People—by simply asking the question via Slack or Microsoft Teams.

What makes Visier’s Vee unique? Four things

With all of the recent news and announcements about generative AI from HR technology providers, why is Visier’s solution special? It boils down to four things.

1. Accuracy and Visier’s proprietary underlying data model

Generative AI is only as good as the underlying data it’s trained on. Visier not only brings together all of the disparate data across your HR tech stack, but we also have the content, questions, answers, metrics, and supporting knowledge to understand what the data means and how to explain it to end users. Generative AI makes asking questions easier than ever, and only Visier has the scope of information needed to draw accurate conclusions to nearly any question. And unlike some generative AI tools making headlines, Vee won’t accidentally hallucinate or return inaccurate data because Vee is trained on our proprietary model.

2. Visier’s best-in-class privacy and security model

Most consumer-facing generative AI applications like ChatGPT draw from a massive collection of public information available across the internet. But building a generative AI application for enterprise organizations is a different challenge, because much of the underlying data is private and, in some cases, highly sensitive. In order to support these privacy demands, a robust security model must be at the core of any solution.

Visier has the most advanced security model and permissions available, ensuring the results returned by Vee are only to authorized end-users based on their assigned security model and associated permissions. This means that Vee’s answers from one person to another, while both accurate, will be different.

3. Visier’s unparalleled speed and performance

Visier can uniquely telescope up or down in the organization, just as easily responding to queries about an individual employee or summarizing insights about tens of thousands of employees nearly instantly. Because generative AI works best as a continuous conversation, only Visier can provide insights in the flow of conversation without waiting for reports to run slow queries against antiquated databases.

4. Vee is also part of the Alpine platform

Have an application or workflow you want to enable with a generative AI-based conversational interface? No problem. The services enabling Vee are part of the Alpine platform and will be available as an optional service of the Alpine platform for embedded partners and other platform users.

How can I learn more?

Vee is available for customer and partner preview now and will be widely available in early fall.

get on the waitlist for Visier's Ai digital assistant Vee

(Slack Technologies, LLC, is a Salesforce company. Microsoft Teams is a trademark of the Microsoft group of companies.)

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