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The Future of People Management

Closing the People Impact Gap for Better Business Outcomes

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Most business challenges can be solved by people—their skills, capabilities and energies are often the solution. But this Visier and Deloitte survey of 500 business leaders found that confidence is low in addressing some of the most pervasive, everyday business and people topics.

These shortcomings reveal what’s called the People Impact Gap, which can stand in the way of business leaders’ understanding of their workforce—specifically, how workers impact the business and how the business impacts workers. This report dives into the survey findings and research that show how to close the People Impact Gap and get the relevant data-backed insights people managers need to be responsive, people-centric, and well-informed decision-makers.

What you’ll get...

  • Three reasons the People Impact Gap exists
  • How better access to people data closes the gap and improves people management
  • Why the Sense-Analyze-Act framework is essential to talent decision making

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